Please note: does not block or filter messages. Senders and receivers implement the DMARC protocol – they are the ones who determine whether or not to block messages. If you are having issues, contact your email/Internet service provider or that of the sender/recipient – cannot change how your messages are being handled. is dedicated to promoting the use of email authentication on the Internet. If you have an idea you think would help us fulfill that mission, please use the contact form below.

    As a very small, non-profit organization we regret that we cannot offer one-to-one support for those implementing email authentication and/or the DMARC protocol. We recommend joining the DMARC discussion list and asking for assistance in those cases.

    End users with problems or questions related to DMARC or email authentication are advised to contact the support desk of their ISP or mailbox provider; corporate or academic users should contact their IT department.

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